How to region switch with Netflix Everywhere

#Netflix Everwhere Region Switching

Netflix Everywhere: On 7 January 2016, Netflix announced that it is now global in a tweet with the hashtag #NetflixEverywhere.

Unsurprisingly, #NetflixEverywhere started trending on Twitter as people started to grasp what this means and how it may be easier to access the global libraries of Netflix with region switching.

Why is Netflix Everywhere great news?

This makes Netflix streaming television and movies easy to watch anywhere and everywhere in the world.  It also means Netflix apps will start appearing in more app stores around the world. People will start seeing the Netflix app appearing in their local Apple Store, Android Play and Microsoft Store. 

What’s the catch with Netflix Everywhere?

Different countries will have vastly different libraries due to varying licensing deals and restrictions between content owners and broadcasters in different countries.  For example, it is estimated the Australian Netflix library is about a third of the size of the United State’s Netflix library.  Even Netflix original content is not safe. In Australia, Netflix does not have the rights to House of Cards which is licensed to Foxtel. Crazy, hey?

So if you are outside the United States, don’t expect the same great content library that Americans enjoy.  You will likely have a more limited library missing a lot of the best shows and movies.

How can I watch the same shows as the United State’s version of Netflix?

At the moment, you can sign up to your local Netflix and then region switch using a Smart DNS service or VPN.  These services trick the Netflix computer servers that you are located in another country, such as the United States, when you are actually located in your country like Australia or India.  It’s like virtual teleporting for the internet and makes the Netflix library for other countries available to you like magic! You can find out how to do this trick at blogs like

However, Netflix simultaneously announced with #NetflixEverywhere that it intends to crack down on region switching and prevent users from watching Netflix libraries from other countries.  Netflix is doing this because the licensing agreements it has signed with content owners (like Sony) require it to crack down on region switching.

For this reason, we strongly recommend that you use a Smart DNS or VPN to sign up for the US version of Netflix and not your local Netflix version.  It is less likely after the crack down you will lose access to the US library if you have signed up to the US version of Netflix in the first place.  Most region switchers instead sign up to their local version and then switch regions afterwards.

Check out how to get region switching working at any of the following sites: 

or simply sign up for a trial of one of the following Smart DNS services and get it working before signing up to the US version of Netflix:

Sign up to a free trial service at unlocator or getflix or SmartDNSproxy or